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Keep rolling along!

Earlier this month, employees Société Générale competed to see who could put together ten brand new rollator walkers the fastest and with special add-on accouterments to support the eventual user’s needs.

On September 12th, employees of the financial company, Société Générale gathered together for a very special contest. Five teams of ten were formed to put together ten brand new rollator walkers in a friendly competition to see which team could build theirs the fastest and with special add-on accouterments to support the eventual user’s needs. The company had generously chosen Care For the Homeless (CFH) to receive the brand-new rollators as an in-kind donation. In addition to assembly, the teams were encouraged to be creative and personalize the walkers. They could choose a cup holder, pouches for a book, or other helpful items to personalize each one. Each team displayed a hand-drawn sign on the handlebars with a positive message such “Ready 2 Roll!” and “Just Keep Rolling.” Furthermore, each walker had a goodie bag placed on the leather seat.  

Once the assembly was complete, each team made a compelling 30-second commercial, highlighting the features and benefits of their walkers with the ultimate goal of winning over the CFH judges. The judges included Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Tawana Hill, Director of Nursing, Judson York, and Development Associate, Jonathan Petrakakos. After some serious but fun deliberation, the judges awarded bronze, silver, and gold medals to the winning teams.  

The rollators are an invaluable medical assistance device for our patients experiencing homelessness. Many have mobility challenges due to the chronic health issues they have developed as a result of the trauma and physical deterioration associated with homelessness. Being mobile so they can take care of their daily needs will positively change the life of each recipient of these donated rollators. 

As the inspiring and collegial event ended, the CFH team addressed the staff and thanked them for including CFH in the event. It was also an opportunity to provide a brief explanation of who CFH serves and the services we provide. Every opportunity to raise awareness of our work to end episodes of homelessness is greatly appreciated so we thank the team at  Société Générale for reaching out to us and making this donation possible.