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Affordable Housing Tracker

The New York Housing Conference launched the NYC Affordable Housing Tracker last month. Read and learn more about how you can help advocate for more affordable housing.

The New York Housing Conference launched the NYC Affordable Housing Tracker last month. They also released an accompanying report that analyzes affordable housing production for each city council district under Mayor de Blasioโ€™s Housing New York Plan (2014-2021).

The Need for Affordable Housing

They found that in the past eight years, the city created 67,255 new affordable units. This is an underwhelming median of 569 units per district. In addition, units are not distributed equally across neighborhoods. Only 5 districts producing more than 3,000 units.

Affordable Housing Tracker

For example, one district in the Bronx created 8,550 new units and another district from Queens only created 17 units.

Other notable findings in the report are the following:

How You Can Take Action

These production disparities are fueling the severe housing crunch in New York City. A crunch that inevitably drives households into homelessness or into paying a significant amount of their income on rent.

As the report states, the solution is to produce more affordable housing in every neighborhood. You can find more details about the report and learn more here.