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Make Mine Monthly

Monthly giving is among the easiest and most effective ways to support New Yorkers experiencing homelessness. Explore below to learn how you can get started and make a difference today!

WHY make a monthly gift to CFH?

We have a wonderful group of loyal, monthly donorsโ€”will you join them?

Here are just a few reasons why you should:

  1. Set it up and relax: you know your gift is having an impact every month.
  2. Your support grows: $5 a month is $60 by the end of the year! Does your company match donations? If so, you could double your support!
  3. Year-round stability for CFH: most donors give at the end of the year. Our monthly donors help us during the slower monthsโ€”and it does make a difference!
  4. Planning ahead: knowing we have funds coming in monthly lets us plan, cover unexpected needs, or create new ways to help our patients and residents.
  5. No paperwork: we provide all our recurring donors with a report of your giving for the prior yearโ€”in time for tax season.

And itโ€™s EASY: go to the Donation page on our website and select Monthly. You can also choose where your donations go.

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

Chad is one of our newest donors. Below is a testimonial he gave after becoming a monthly donor.

I drove to NYC from Denver two weekends ago and it was pouring rain. ย I remember that Sunday. Nine hours of driving in heavy rain and heavy traffic. I severely strained my right shin using the foot pedal.ย 

I had been limping around downtown and noticed the only other people limping were homeless people and said to my friend I felt like in my hoodie and jeans, I looked like a homeless person struggling.

My next thought was, that is real for the homeless. They are injured and donโ€™t get care. ย 

It made it more real for me that instead of feeling bad walking by people asking for money and maybe giving them five bucks. Why not look for a place that helps our homeless get better?

Making a donation monthly felt like enough to give one to two people care a month. I hope that helps someone. ย 

The first five NEW monthly donors OR current donors that increase your monthly gift will receive a special thank you!

Finally, if you want to make your gift using your checking account instead of a credit card, please call Cathy at 212-366-4459, x217. Or send a voided check with a note stating the amount of your monthly gift to the address below. Your check will be shredded after successful processing; no information with your bank account information will be retained.

Thank you for your consideration.

Mail a voided check to and include the amount of your monthly gift:
Cathy J. Sharp, CFRE
Director of Development & Communications
Care For the Homeless
30 East 33rd Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10016-5337